Of course, our little girl was ready for a nap, and NOT ready to have pictures taken or to be left alone on a couch with a bunch of other kids. So she cried quite a bit. We also took pictures on a marble landing in front of the waterfall and flowers in the hotel. That went a little better. We are planning to pack today because we leave for the U.S. tomorrow. It looks like we may need to purchase another suitcase! Although we may leave a few things here to make room in our existing luggage. We'll have to see how it goes this afternoon, and tonight with the packing. We leave really early Wednesday morning, and will arrive home late Wednesday night (due to the 12 hour time change). Thursday and Friday Theresa's sister, Anne will be staying with us to help take care of the baby while we sleep longer to try to get over the jetlag. If we can get readjusted then we hope to drive up to the White Mountains of NH where we have a camp retreat going on with a lot of friends and family. We would like to show her off of course, but jetlag, and Theresa's bronchitis may prevent it. We'll play it by ear. Anyhow, that's all for now. I'll try to upload a few pictures from this morning. Take care everyone, and please pray for us to have an uneventful flight!! Thanks. Jeff (& Theresa)
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