I didn't realize how bad Jade looked the first night until I compared pictures. No wonder we couldn't recognize her!

Today is our 23rd anniversary, and Jade gave us the best gift we've ever received - Jeff picked her up & she said "Ba Ba!" which means "Daddy!" She said it every time we asked her to say it. We were so delighted that she actually spoke, and she started laughing and snuggling on Jeff's neck.
Our pediatrician left today for Beijing and will go home on Tuesday. We were a little nervous about being here with a sick child without her, but it appears that Jade is over the worst of it, so I'm sure we'll be okay.
Everyone is going to a Buddhist Temple today to have their babies blessed by a Buddhist monk. We are not going, nor is the other Christian couple in our group. We are not feeling our best today, so we are going to stay close to the hotel. We'll do a little shopping after we find something for lunch.
Please pray for these things:
- It appears that I have caught what caused Jade's pneumonia. Hers was not attended to well enough, so she got far worse than I will. There is a 24-hour clinic here at the hotel and one can buy prescription meds over the counter, so I'm going to get some Robitussin cough syrup.
- Jeff is having stomach trouble and has been for several days.
- I guess we are exhausted. Having your first child come to you very ill will do that to you.
- Our trip home. Jade had a very hard time on the plane from Nanchang to Guangzhou and that was only about an hour ride. We have some children's EarPlanes for the ride home, so hopefully that will help.
- Pray that we will be a good witness to the other members of our group. One couple seems a little offended that we have chosen not to have the Buddhist blessing for Jade. We want them to know that our beliefs are true & sincere, and see that as positive, not as if we are passing judgment on them.
- Most importantly, pray for Jade's continued recovery and that there will be no more problems trying to get her home.
Love to you all - we absolutely can't wait to get home!
So relieved to hear you are ok and Jade is doing better. It is goo that you are NOT going to the Buddist Monk but trusting in the One and Only True God. I am certain that the Lord will be faithful to use you as a wittness to His faithfulness and to His truth.
Will be praying for your safe journey home and healing for all three of you.
God's Speed Home
Daleea waiting for TA to go get my Hannah
Praise God from whom all blessings flow, Praise Him all creatures here below, Praise Him above ye heavenly host, Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost! Praise the Lord for this good news and for His special and wonderful andswers to all our prayers! Thanks for the updates and pictures we have been praying so hard. Keep the info coming!!!
I never thought you would go to the buddhist thing as I know you would not do something that would not honor our King and Lord and dearest friend Jesus intentionally. However, I am praying that what you desire will come true in presenting Christ in a positivie way. Just be loving and non-judgemental. That is the best you can do - Jesus will do the rest.
If others are offended or not by your love for Jesus that is up to Christ. Remain gentle and loving toward them and your foundational love in Christ will shine through. Remember - share Christ all the time with everyone and if necessary - use words.
It is hard to be very sentimental over Jeff :) but I confess to tears when I read the part about Jade saying daddy over and over. One of the absolutely most special moments in my life was being called daddy by my children. I share your joy with great and happy memories.
Let me pray for you.
Dear Lord, we have a strange family :). We have had our share or trials and failings and joys and victories. But you are the one who made us family and put us together and you have always been with us in all things. Now you have reached around the world to bring another precious soul into our family. Because this is just too big for us to fathom we know that you are at work. And we thank you so much.
Heavenly Father, because of Jesus love for us we dare to ask you for another blessing. Please touch Jeff and Theresa and Jade with your healing power today. Please give them a loving witness for you to their companions. Please let them have joyous traveling experiences without pain or fear - especially for Jade.
Dear friend and Savior please bring Jade home to her new extended family. Bring to her heart the love and saving faith of Jesus that you brought to our family through grandpa Joe King when you choose to come into our family in 1860. We aren't worthy or deserving but that makes your unconditional love for us all the more precious. Please don't let our stangeness rub off on Jade but let our love for each other and for you fill her heart and her life with all the joy and happiness that we know how to give.
Precious Lord take Jade's hand and lead her to the promised land - not America, but your Kingdom in Heaven. But please let her stop in America on the way.
We are so happy Lord, we give you all our love and praise and thank you for increasing our family. In Jesus name, Amen
We love you guys and can;t wait to see you. Uncle Michael and Aunt Patty
So glad to get your postings this weekend and hear that Jade is feeling and doing so much better. She is adorable. Safe (and crying-free) travels home.
CAWLI LID 10/25/05
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