Zheng Zheng hen hao bao bao! (Prounounced "Jung Jung hun how bow bow".) This means Zheng Zheng is a very good baby. She really is. Even while feeling so bad, she has been so, so sweet.
Jade had a good night. She's coughed a bit, but the cough sounds much less rattle-y and she hasn't woken up at all. In fact, she's still sleeping. She's so cute. Sometimes her feet are sticking out through the slats of her crib and you can only see blanket & feet.

Besides Jeff having a little stomach trouble, we are both doing very well physically. And, despite the hard parts of Jade's illness (the frightening hospital, the abandoned babies at the hospital, etc.), this is a wonderful trip. China is beautiful & peaceful, then dirty & frightening, then old world & new world. It's really good that we're able to experience as much of Jade's country as we are. It's good for when she asks questions about China later, but it's also good for putting everything else in live into perspective.
Well, Jade's up & we've bathed her & we're about ready to go to breakfast, so we'll post this and hope it makes sense, unlike the last few I've been half asleep through.
LoVE YIOU ALL - THAnks for you caring and prayers (and orating!). Jade is helping me type!
Trisa, JADE, & jEFF
I just wanted to tell you something neat that God arranged. On Sunday morning Steve and I were privileged to do a baby dedication in church. The neat part is that she was adopted from China just a few months ago! Every time I looked at her I thought about you and what an important day it was in your lives. Isn't God cool?
Love and prayers,
I can't wait to see my little jadey girl. Please come home soon. Love those photos!! Love, Anne
Can't wait to see her!! marion & paul
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