At the airport on our way to Guangzhou, Jade felt it important to call a meeting of the Fuzhou babies present while they waited for their boarding passes.

After arriving in Guangzhou, we had to wait for a couple to arrive from Nanning Province with their new baby, so we sat in the market area & waited impatiently. Xiaohan's mom Jenny bought mini bananas for the kids. Jade kind of looks like the cutest little monkey learning how to feed herself!

I saw these statues on the internet and was hoping I could find them to take this picture. Apparently this is how they think Americans look. We didn't do much to persuade them differently.

Katie, the pediatrician with us, told us to get all the fluids into Jade that we could. The only thing she was interested in at lunch yesterday was Diet Coke. So we hesitantly gave her her first taste of Diet Coke. She actually liked it!

Now this is more like it. Fresh banana juice at the Thai Restaurant. It was really good!

The first time Mommy fed Jade with chopsticks was last night at the Thai Restaurant.

An interesting thing is that the king and queen of Sweden were visiting in Guangzhou when we arrived. We didn't get in until around 9 p.m., and there were fireworks in their honor, so the traffic was stopped and jammed everywhere. We got close to the hotel (White Swan), which is on Shamian Island, and came to a barracade. The fireworks were being set off on the other side of the river - very close to the hotel. It was extremely hot & humid and very late for the babies, so our national guide Rose jumped off the bus, spoke to the policeman, got back on the bus, and they moved the barracade so we could to go through! We were quite impressed with her! And very glad to get into the hotel & get our babies to bed. Seems like everything is an adventure!
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