Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Re-fingerprinting & Paint

Our fingerprints expire after 15 months, so we were re-fingerprinted on Friday aftenoon. Jeff took the afternoon off and we drove up to Portland (1 hour north) to have them done.
Jeff's were a breeze...done electronically the first try. Mine...well...let's just say they hope they'll be accepted. We did them electronically for about 10 minutes, then with ink for another 5 minutes. Lots and lots of re-do's. They said they were not well-defined. Hmmm. I also seem to have a tiny scar in one finger (don't know when or how I got it!) and that is a big interference. So, we're waiting to see if they'll be accepted. If not, I'll just keep going back until they are.

The funny thing about this is that China doesn't care about our fingerprints. It's the U.S. They won't let us back into the country if they are over 15 months old. How wierd!

Our friend has completed some of the calligraphy in the bathroom. It looks so wonderful! Check back soon for pictures!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have no fingerprints?? Then you must surely be an ANGEL! I can't wait to see photos of the calligraphy. Much love! ~Shannon