Jade was born on June 20, 2005 and was abandoned at the Huali Restaurant on August 8, 2005. That means that her birthmother loved her enough to nuture her for a few weeks so she would have a good start.
I cannot imagine the incredible pain she experienced when she laid that little bundled up baby in front of the store after holding her for 7 weeks. I imagine that she wonders every day if her baby is living, if she's been adopted, where she is, and if she is happy & healthy. Every day must be a painful day for her. And it may never change. What incredible love she must have for her daughter.
I hope very much to take Jade to China when she is 18 and search together for her mother. Not only do I want to get to know & thank this woman for the incredible gift of my daughter, but I want her to have resolution to all her wonderings. And I want Jade to meet the woman who risked everything to allow her to live.
I so wish that there was a way for us to communicate with Jade's birthmother now. I want to send her pictures & piano recital programs & report cards. I want her to be proud of the daughter that our hearts share. I don't want her to suffer for the next 17 years until we can find her. Since that is not possible, I pray for her everytime I think of her.
It is incredible that one couple has endured such pain and that that pain brings indescribable joy to another. The sacrificial love of one is bringing fulfillment of a lifelong dream for the other.
God works in mysterious ways.
1 comment:
I can't wait for the day that I log onto your site and there is a photo of Jeff and Trisa and Jade all together! I've been thinking of you every day and of course praying for your safe travels and a smooth transition for Little Jade! I've seen the adoption process from the birthmother's side through a friend and it is an incredible journey that I'm glad you're appreciating here in this post. I just wish that Jade's birthmother could be assured that she is growing up in America's Most Spectacular Family!!
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