I just think this is so cool. Jade's pictures is on two Adoption Yahoo Groups Homepages!
We belong to several Adoption Yahoo Groups & they put pictures of member's kids on their homepage. Since it was just Jade's birthday & she is one of the newest referrals for June, two of our groups have put her picture up. It's just so exciting to me to see her precious little face - her toothless smile - and know that that baby is MINE!
If you'd like to see those homepages, their addresses are:
Check out our new little countdown ladybug at the top of the page.
Friday, June 23, 2006
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Yesterday Was Jade's First Birthday
We had a birthday party for Jade last night. How could we not celebrate the birth of our precious gift from God? We had 12 people over, roasted hotdogs, & put a candle in a pecan pie and sang to her. We video-taped it so she can see it when she’s older, and know that we were “with” her on her first birthday after all. I printed her picture out in an 8x10 and taped it in her high chair to represent her. It was fun. We received some generous gifts (which we did not expect). We are so, so blessed. And so, so grateful.
The Lord has done great things for us, and we are glad. Psalm 126:3
The Lord has done great things for us, and we are glad. Psalm 126:3
We Have Our Travel Dates!
Seems I can't make a title for these posts without exclamation marks! Everything is just too wonderful! Oh, happy, happy, happy!
Here is what we know so far:
Leave Boston 7/12
Arrive Beijing 7/13
Fly to Jiangxi Province 7/15
Receive Jade 7/16
Fly to Guangzhou 7/20
Consulate Appointment for Jade's Visa 7/24
Leave for Home 7/28
Sack out for 24 hours (right!)
Go to Harbinger's Summer Rally 7/29 to show off our precious little bundle of joy!
It's so hard to believe that this is really going to happen.
Here is what we know so far:
Leave Boston 7/12
Arrive Beijing 7/13
Fly to Jiangxi Province 7/15
Receive Jade 7/16
Fly to Guangzhou 7/20
Consulate Appointment for Jade's Visa 7/24
Leave for Home 7/28
Sack out for 24 hours (right!)
Go to Harbinger's Summer Rally 7/29 to show off our precious little bundle of joy!
It's so hard to believe that this is really going to happen.
Monday, June 19, 2006
Travel Approval!!!
We received our travel approval from China today!
Now we wait 24-48 hours for Jade's Visa appointment at the US Consulate. Everything about our trip is built around that appointment. Our agency is asking for July 24. If that is the date we get, we will travel July 13 - 26. We will know for sure what our travel dates are in the next day or two. We are so, so excited! Oh, happy day!
Now we wait 24-48 hours for Jade's Visa appointment at the US Consulate. Everything about our trip is built around that appointment. Our agency is asking for July 24. If that is the date we get, we will travel July 13 - 26. We will know for sure what our travel dates are in the next day or two. We are so, so excited! Oh, happy day!
Friday, June 09, 2006
Our Visas Have Arrived!
Fed Ex came this morning with our Visas. Another step toward China!
We submitted our flight & name requests to our agency yesterday. This is the first time we have had to officially write out what Jade's American name will be. Somehow it did something to me. Every step is exciting at this point!
We continue to wait for TA (travel approval from China). When that comes, our agency will make an appointment with the US Consulate in Guangzhou so we can get Jade's Visa & passport. Once that appointment is made, our agency will make our travel reservations and we will travel 1 or 2 weeks later.
Time is moving faster & faster and we still have so many things to do before we go. That said, I must go to the bank & withdraw some cash for the trip. We have to get as close to new bills as possible. Clean & crisp. No wrinkles, fold lines, writing, fading. China values brand new American money. Don't know why, but they do.
So, here's to Fed Ex! They keep bringing such great things to our house!!!
We submitted our flight & name requests to our agency yesterday. This is the first time we have had to officially write out what Jade's American name will be. Somehow it did something to me. Every step is exciting at this point!
We continue to wait for TA (travel approval from China). When that comes, our agency will make an appointment with the US Consulate in Guangzhou so we can get Jade's Visa & passport. Once that appointment is made, our agency will make our travel reservations and we will travel 1 or 2 weeks later.
Time is moving faster & faster and we still have so many things to do before we go. That said, I must go to the bank & withdraw some cash for the trip. We have to get as close to new bills as possible. Clean & crisp. No wrinkles, fold lines, writing, fading. China values brand new American money. Don't know why, but they do.
So, here's to Fed Ex! They keep bringing such great things to our house!!!
Born In My Heart
But still, miraculously my own.
Never forget for a single minute
You didn't grow under my heart, but in it.
~Author Unknown~
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Baby Audia!
Care Package Sent to Jade

For Jade:
A Baby Mickey Mouse receiving blanket that we slept with
A "Baby's First Gund" stuffed kitten that we also slept with
Pictures of us and the cats, Baby & Jack
A disposable camera with a letter to the orphanage director asking him to have someone take pictures of Jade and her surroundings, neighboring children & nannies. The letter includes a questionaire for them to fill out so we can get to know our baby better when we get her. Hopefully they will take the pictures and return the camera to us when they bring Jade to us. Sometimes parents don't get the camera or questionaire back, but it's worth a try.
For Jade's nanny and other employees:
Severy hand lotion samples
Postcards of our area
Lindt Chocolate miniatures
Maple Sugar Candy from Maple Grove, St. Johnsbury, VT.
A short note to Jade's nanny thanking her for taking care of our baby girl

In this picture:
Since June 20 is Jade's birthday, I also included a wrapped gift with a note asking them to give it to her on her birthday from her Mommy and Daddy (Ma Ma & Ba Ba). It was the pink stuffed bunny in the top of the box. It plays "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" when its tummy is pressed. There are also red lights inside its cheeks that alternate blinking when the music plays. You cannot see the lights unless they are blinking. The orphanage reported that she loves music, so I hope she'll like this new toy.
I mailed this on Saturday morning and it should arrive next week.
Announcing Our Referral In Church

First we sang a song that I wrote about 5 years ago called, "Lord, We Thank You." We project our worship songs on a screen using Jeff's laptop & a projector. Jeff put Jade's photo on his laptop just after the worship songs. After the church sang my song, he switched to Jade's picture. It took a few seconds for people to realize just what they were looking at. I said, "We're thankful that we received our referral!" and the church clapped. A few cried. It was a very special moment for us.

Our church family is a huge part of our lives and they have prayed for a long time for this referral to come. They have seen us through the heartache of childlessness. They've witnessed our coming to peace with God's plan. They know that we trust Him with everything...even our children or lack thereof. They know what I was thinking when I wrote, "You've listened to our prayers. You've heard the cry of our hearts. You've proven to us again, You are faithful and true, faithful and true. So, we thank You, thank You, thank You for all You have done for us."
(c) Theresa B. Gilman
A Visit From The Stork...er, Fed Ex!
Ladybug Quilt

Ladybugs are supposed to be lucky in China and Jade's Chinese last name is "Fu" which means lucky, so it's fitting that her quilt fabric be ladybugs. Before I knew of her "Fu" name, I joined a ladybug fabric square exchange among other Chinese adoptive parents. Most of this fabric is from that exchange.
Playing Catch Up
I am playing catch-up tonight and posting lots of pictures.
Look for the following:
Ladybug Quilt
A visit from the stork!
TB signing the acceptance of Jade's referral
Announcing our referral in church (I'm hoping to put a video clip of it on here if I can figure out how to do it!)
The care package we sent to Jade at her orphanage in China
Our grand-niece, Audia
Jade's room
Look for the following:
Ladybug Quilt
A visit from the stork!
TB signing the acceptance of Jade's referral
Announcing our referral in church (I'm hoping to put a video clip of it on here if I can figure out how to do it!)
The care package we sent to Jade at her orphanage in China
Our grand-niece, Audia
Jade's room
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
I've been thinking...

Jade was born on June 20, 2005 and was abandoned at the Huali Restaurant on August 8, 2005. That means that her birthmother loved her enough to nuture her for a few weeks so she would have a good start.
I cannot imagine the incredible pain she experienced when she laid that little bundled up baby in front of the store after holding her for 7 weeks. I imagine that she wonders every day if her baby is living, if she's been adopted, where she is, and if she is happy & healthy. Every day must be a painful day for her. And it may never change. What incredible love she must have for her daughter.
I hope very much to take Jade to China when she is 18 and search together for her mother. Not only do I want to get to know & thank this woman for the incredible gift of my daughter, but I want her to have resolution to all her wonderings. And I want Jade to meet the woman who risked everything to allow her to live.
I so wish that there was a way for us to communicate with Jade's birthmother now. I want to send her pictures & piano recital programs & report cards. I want her to be proud of the daughter that our hearts share. I don't want her to suffer for the next 17 years until we can find her. Since that is not possible, I pray for her everytime I think of her.
It is incredible that one couple has endured such pain and that that pain brings indescribable joy to another. The sacrificial love of one is bringing fulfillment of a lifelong dream for the other.
God works in mysterious ways.
Where Is Jade Today?

This is a picture of all the orphanages in Jiangxi Province where Jade lives. She is at the Fuzhou Social Welfare Institute in Fuzhou.
Click on the map and it will enlarge. Then place your cursor over the map. A square with 4 arrows will appear in the bottom right corner. Click on it and the map will become large enough to read. Look on the right side where it says "Fujian" and move a little northwest to find Fuzhou (Linchuan). Now you have found her!
Sunday, June 04, 2006
Update on Jade

I saw the pediatrician on Friday and discussing everything made her more real to me than ever. I can't stop looking at her picture. She is more mine every day. It's still all very exciting.
As for travel dates, we won't know them for probably 2 weeks. We have to wait for China to approve our trip there. Then we wait for the appointment with the consulate. Only then can we make travel plans. We are very excited thinking about our trip.
I washed some clothes for her for the trip yesterday in baby detergent. I loved folding those tiny clothes!
This is the same picture we received with our referral. I want to keep her picture at the top, so here it is again. I just love her smile!
Saturday, June 03, 2006
The Bathroom Progresses

It says "Blessed Happy Complete Family Forever-Permanent Peace Love Tranquility Strength." I am hoping to write the english underneath the calligraphy. I doubt I'm going to be able to squeeze that in anytime soon!
Here it is on the red wall.

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