I know it's been a long time since I have posted to this blog. I caught Jade's virus and have bronchitis and double ear infections, plus my right ear drum has a slight perforation from our plane ride home. And now jet lag is upon us. Poor Jade doesn't know if it's night or day, but she is still her sweet self.
More and more, as Jade's health improves, we see her personality coming out. She has a great sense of humor, loves music and has good rhythm, she has two hollow legs (eats everything we give her!), and is proving the orphanage's report that she can be stubborn & strong willed. She is so tiny that with her developmental delays, she seems like a much younger baby than she is. I know she will catch up quickly, especially once we begin early intervention, but I am enjoying her baby days. Every day we see changes in her. She can walk while holding our fingers. She gets so excited when she's approaching someone who is cheering her on, and she laughs and laughs. Her laugh brightens the room!! She is just adorable!
Jeff returned to work this morning and Jade and I went with him so we could show her off. She drew quite the crowd of admirers. It was so great, because I used to work there, so those were my former co-workers as well as Jeff's. Afterwards, I took Jade to the Kittery Town Hall where I worked until October '05. Again, the folks ooh-ed and aah-ed over her. Then we went to my mom's for a surprise visit. Two friends who live at her complex came down and we had a ball with Jade, especially with her walking back and forth between us.
Jade can now say "Daddy" in Chinese and English. I say to her, "Jade, say Mommy" and she sweetly says, "Da Da." She is just the cutest!
We were able to go to Harbinger on Friday night. I wasn't sure if Jade and I would feel up to it, but we did and it was great. We planned to go Saturday morning, but Anne's ride kind of fell through, so we took her halfway home (which was good, because Greg was able to meet Jade), and went on to Harbinger from there. We came home yesterday morning (Monday).
I am so grateful that Anne was able to spend Wednesday & Thursday nights with us. It helped us a lot to be able to sleep through most of the night.
Well, I can't spend all of Jade's naptime on the computer. The house is a wreck, so I need to go clean. I want to add pictures, but they are on Jeff's laptop and I don't know how to transfer them. I'll try to get him to do it tonight.
We'll try to post more often now that we are home and settling down.